Delos Therapy has some amazing clients with extraordinary stories and we want to take the time to share their success with our therapy. Meet Donovan, general contractor dealing with chronic body pain. Read his interview to find out his amazing transformation since starting Delos.
How did you hear about Delos?
DK: I heard about Delos from my good friend and Delos therapist, Marc.
What issues brought you to Delos?
DK: Years of physical labor and several different injuries have taken their toll on my body. Specifically, I deal with debilitating back pain, numbness in my hands, chronic neck pain, and arthritic shoulder pain.
What types of treatments did you try before coming to Delos?
DK: I tried pain medication, chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, OTC ointments and vitamins, essential oils, ice/heat, surgery.
What improvements have you made since starting Delos Therapy?
DK: I’ve had substantial improvement in my range of motion in all affected areas noted above. I have experienced feeling and range of motion return to my hands and felt drastic reduction in pain levels.
What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos Therapy?
DK: I would let them know that I have suffered with pain for many years and am finally able to engage in activities again relatively pain free. I would definitely recommend they try Delos.
Tell us something unique about you.
DK: Because of the therapy, feeling has returned to both of my hands. It is amazing to be able to feel something as simple as my wife’s soft skin. On the flip side of that, I actually had to buy and wear a pair of gloves because I could feel the cold!
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