How did you hear about Delos?
JH: I heard about Delos though a trainer at Sweat. I was working out at River North Gym and stopped by on my way out. I was able to talk with one of the therapists about the work Delos Therapy does. After taking the time to do a little more research on my own, I booked an evaluation.
What issue(s) brought you to Delos?
JH: We were living in Colorado and I got in a ski accident. I had sustained an injury that translated into a chronic issue in my back and shoulder. The pain affected daily activities. I had trouble lifting my son out of the crib, lifting my arm overhead to grab things off the shelf and even struggled to shampoo my hair. I couldn’t sit for more than 10 minutes without hurting. I couldn’t walk for a long time without feeling pain.
What types of treatment did you try before coming to Delos?
JH: I tried physical therapy, massage, active release therapy (ART), chiropractic, dry needling and acupuncture. After some of these treatments, I felt relaxed afterwards, but not better. I felt some promising relief and relaxation from MAT (muscle activation techniques but again, my pain wasn’t ever fully better and I regressed about 10 months after finishing treatment. I work in healthcare, but I am not always the best patient when it comes to following instructions or taking it easy. I had made slow progress through PT and found it hard to stick to the program. Once I saw that the Delos treatments were working, I was all in!
What improvements have you made since starting Delos?
JH: After years of no relief from my pain during daily activities, I felt immediate relief after just 2 weeks of treatments at Delos. The first two treatments were relatively painful, but I began to make improvements in my shoulder right away. Reaching up to get things off the shelf got easier and reaching down to pick up our baby from the crib didn’t give me back pain. I had been going to chiropractic appointments pretty consistently, and since starting Delos, I’ve only gone back once. My chiropractor was totally in awe and said I felt more loose and mobile. My husband started to notice that I wasn’t complaining of pain and that I was happier, mentioning that “ something must be working.” I just couldn’t believe how much easier daily activities are. I had just learned to live with chronic pain. Now that I’ve felt the results, I’m addicted and try to come about once a week for maintenance to stay feeling good. It’s almost like you don’t know how much pain you’ve got until it’s gone.
What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos?
JH: Stick to the plan! If you have chronic pain, follow the treatment plan and weekly recommendation for frequency. If you stay committed to it, you’ll feel the results that are life changing.
Tell us something unique about you.
JH: Our son, Grayson, is a miracle baby. We were told we couldn’t have children and three weeks after our trip to Colorado, we got the incredible news!
Delos Therapy side note – We totally agree…Grayson comes along to his mom’s appointments sometimes and we love having him in our clinic!
- Getting My Mobility Back: Jane - September 9, 2021
- My Summer Bike Trip Without Hip Pain: Terri - August 30, 2020
- Ski Accident Shoulder Injury: Jessica - April 8, 2020