How did you hear about Delos Therapy?
TM: I attended a functional meetup group in Oakbrook, Illinois and two folks from Delos Therapy were presenting there. Being a nurse practitioner and professor, I understand the physiology and biomechanics of what the therapists were talking about and loved the concept. I started referring people to Delos right away, even before I went in for myself. I had a funny patient who flipped the tables at her appointment with me and asked why I hadn’t been in yet. I suppose I felt like I didn’t have a great reason and as I was preparing for a long bike trip in the summer, I finally decided to start coming in.
What issue(s) brought you to Delos Therapy?
TM: I had been dealing with hip issues for about 3 or 4 years. I had an inguinal hernia on one side and hip pain and instability on the other. It got to the point where I was using a cane to walk. I remember that simple movements like going up stairs and lifting my leg caused me trouble and I thought that there must be something else going on outside the hip joint. While I just wanted to walk normally again and I also had the bike trip coming up, I decided to go with the 50 minute treatment plan to address the hip, and to also help with my overall health in my back and other areas.
What types of treatment did you try before coming to Delos Therapy?
TM: I went through the gamut. I tried chiropractic, acupuncture, anti-inflammatories, and Pilates. Pilates worked the best, or just sitting down, but nothing really resolved the issue.
What improvements have you made since starting Delos Therapy?
TM: I noticed immediate results within the first 3 sessions. I was definitely surprised that the body would respond so quickly. My Pilates instructor even noticed a difference!
I’ll be honest, I caused the hernia by my own movement and functionality, and I was hesitant to have them work around the surgery site. After starting to receive the bilateral treatment, I could tell I was more balanced. I could see it on both feet in how I was standing. This morphed my focus into a more full body view and I continued to see that as my therapists took the time to explore different areas.
Delos Therapy prepared me for the summer bike trip that was a gorgeous 3 week ride in Seattle. All of the small things combined that were really troubling me are not a problem anymore. I remember that I was simply sore after a 70 mile bike ride, and had no pinching in my hip flexors when bending over to put my shoes on. It has been a long time since that has happened for me. My husband remarked on the bike ride that my upper body positioning was totally different. Now he is a client at Delos Therapy for his own performance and muscular health goals.
What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos Therapy?
TM: I will say that I really enjoy following the lead of each therapist for my full body sessions. We’ve been working on everything together. The level of confidence and commonality with this team is exceptional and I can tell that they can see what needs work the moment I come into the clinic. I like working with different therapists because each person sees it with their own perspective and attentiveness. It feels like a very well-rounded treatment. You may think you have one issue, and there’s much more going on in the entire body.
It’s not chiropractic, and it’s not massage. Just go to the website and see for yourself. I say buy one package, and try it. Really, if you don’t want surgery, what do you have to lose? More and more people are looking for this type of solution because it’s so important. I have now even written a lecture and included this musculo-skeletal aspect in my coursework that I teach for nurses.
Tell us something unique about you.
TM: I love teaching and talking about what’s happening in the body. I have an evidence-based practice and enjoy sharing knowledge any chance I get. I’m also a Reiki master!
Connect with Terri at Complete Clinics to experience her services in the Chicagoland area.
- Getting My Mobility Back: Jane - September 9, 2021
- My Summer Bike Trip Without Hip Pain: Terri - August 30, 2020
- Ski Accident Shoulder Injury: Jessica - April 8, 2020