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Chicago Marathon: Shelley
February 4, 2020   |   By Delos Therapy Team

Delos Therapy has some amazing clients with extraordinary stories and we want to take the time to share their success with our therapy. Meet Shelley Nelson, a mother of four, who came to us to save her marathon! Read her interview to find out her amazing transformation since starting Delos.

What is your history with running?

SN: About 10 years back I was really active. I’ve always loved running and missed it. A while back I had trained for a marathon that I wasn’t able to finish. Last January, when I turned 40, I finally decided to cross it off my bucket list and complete the unfinished business of running a marathon.

What issues brought you to Delos Therapy?

SN: I had trained for last year’s Chicago marathon and the Monday before the race, I bent over and my lower back seized up. I could barely move. It would spasm while walking and I needed pillows while sleeping. That’s when a good friend told me about Delos Therapy and I was able to get in for an appointment the very next day.

What were you expecting when you came in?

SN: I’m not sure, I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to finish a second time. Meg (my therapist) actually had to assist me in turning over on the table on my first day of treatment! I came in every single day leading up to the marathon for 50 minute sessions and went to cryotherapy 3 days per week afterwards.

What improvements did you make since starting Delos Therapy?

SN: On the Thursday after I began treatment, things started to open up. I would say it was the turning point where I thought this race is possible again. Each day I felt a little better to the point that I didn’t have any pain during a movement and only felt a little achy afterwards. Saturday before the race, I took a test run around the block, iced afterwards and felt good. I ran and finished the race on Sunday!

What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos Therapy?

SN: I would say that until this happened, I thought of this work as more of a luxury, but now I would definitely say that it is worth it if you are training for something like a marathon. I would advise anyone to be proactive in their training. It’s much harder to catch up on the back end. So much heart and soul goes into training and it’s tough to have to deal with an injury.  You want to be able to run it the way you want to run it.

Delos Therapy Team
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