I have been a therapist at Delos Therapy since the company opened its doors in 2012. My mission has always been to help people quickly and effectively achieve relief for their chronic pain. I believe that performing the Delos treatment on a client can bring back balance to their mind and body. In 2017, I actually saw the immense benefits of Delos Therapy first-hand when I used the therapy to prepare for hip surgery and to recover from it. Delos Therapy helped me have a faster recovery after surgery by restoring pliability in my muscles to promote blood flow and healing.
I consider myself to be an active person; my family and I are always looking for new adventures. However, my previous line of work and constant activity negatively affected my body. I had lost the cartilage in my hip joint and lacked proper mobility. In 2017, my orthopedic doctor recommended a full hip replacement. Before my surgery, I used Delos Therapy to loosen up my muscles as much as possible because I knew that the trauma from surgery would cause them to contract and tighten. After my surgery, I was experiencing extreme stiffness and pain in my hip and leg. I knew there was only one way for me to regain my full mobility and return to my life. I began recovery therapy – Delos style. With my regimen, I was able to fully recover and get back to a standing job just five weeks after my full replacement. I give credit to our therapy and whole-body healing to my remarkably quick recovery.
How does Delos Therapy prepare the area for surgery?
The anatomy around the surgical site is typically one of extreme deterioration, fibrosis and inflammation. Breaking up congestion and restoring this area to a healthy functional anatomy prepares the actual surgical site for repair, leading to a much quicker recovery time and smoother surgery.
One of the most important aspects of joint health is restoring joint mobility. Joint mobility could definitely be affected by structural problems and joint deterioration, but muscle pliability is also a major component and limiting factor. Restoring muscle pliability before surgery can greatly accelerate post-surgical rehabilitation by increasing muscular range of motion.
What does Delos Therapy do post-surgery to speed up recovery?
Post-surgical rehabilitation typically includes getting the area more mobile, strong, and allowing the tissues to heal, all dependent on muscle pliability. The recovery of soft tissue is always dependent on blood flow to the area. Surgical trauma to the hip causes muscles to tighten and protect the area as it heals. Tightness causes the tissue to be congested, which decreases the rate of healing. Thus, by loosening up the tissue, we decrease congestion and increase blood flow to augment healing and avoid issues such as blood clots, which is a common complication after hip surgery.
While we help plenty of clients avoid surgery, there are cases like mine where the impact on the bones is too severe and an operation is necessary. My own journey with Delos Therapy has only strengthened my belief in this therapy. For those people who must undergo surgery, my goal is to make sure they understand that Delos Therapy is critical both before and after surgery. It will have a significant impact on a speedy recovery so that they can return to doing the things they love, which in my case is being a therapist.