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Post surgery knee pain: Carole
April 25, 2019   |   By Delos Therapy Team

Delos Therapy has some amazing clients with extraordinary stories and we want to take the time to share their success with our therapy. Meet Carole, mom of two special needs children struggling with knee pain. Read her interview to find out her amazing transformation since starting Delos.

How did you hear about Delos?

CB: I heard about Delos from a massage therapist at Tri-Balance Yoga. I met Marc there and he told me about a new technique he was doing called Delos Therapy. Trusting him, I went for my first session and couldn’t believe how much better I felt.

What issues brought you to Delos?

CB: Six years ago, I had my knee replaced but it never was quite back to normal, occasionally giving out on me. Recently, I suffered a fall and that’s when I knew I needed to do something to make my knee and leg stronger.

What types of treatments did you try before coming to Delos?

CB: After the replacement, I did physical therapy and a lot of walking, but my knee never felt right. It was always swollen and would still cause me pain.

What improvements have you made since starting Delos Therapy?

CB: With Delos therapy, my knee actually doesn’t hurt. I am able to stand up straight without feeling as if it will give out. I have more energy and feel so much stronger. With treatment, I was able to get up and down a ladder enough times to paint six rooms in my home!

What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos Therapy?

CB: Delos is new to most people but have an open mind and try it – you will feel so much better the next day. You will consistently look forward to your next session as there is more and more relief in each one. For seniors, this is a must! Don’t risk a fall, don’t feel that you have to hunch over as you age. There is an effective solution – at Delos.

Tell us something unique about you.

CB: Currently, as a widow I am the sole caretaker in my home. Daily tasks of yard and housework falls solely to me, as does caring for our two special needs young adults. Delos is not only the best thing for me but keeps me moving for them as well!

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