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Sciatic Pain: Mike
July 30, 2019   |   By Delos Therapy Team

Delos Therapy has some amazing clients with extraordinary stories and we want to take the time to share their success with our therapy. Meet Mike, an active marketing guru dealing with sciatic pain. Read his interview to find out his amazing transformation since starting Delos.

How did you hear about Delos?

MF: Delos has an office located next to my gym and when I started having issues, my network recommended I try their therapy.

What issues brought you to Delos?

MF: Before coming to Delos Therapy, I was suffering from sciatic pain.

What types of treatments did you try before coming to Delos?

MF: I tried several different methods for relief, everything from physiotherapy and acupuncture to massage therapy, chiropractic and prescription medication.

What improvements have you made since starting Delos Therapy?

MF: I noticed an improvement almost immediately after beginning my Delos treatments. By my second session, I had little to no pain. After a few more sessions, I was completely pain free. I was able to walk without pain and have been able to successfully go back to a full regimen of activities – weight training, yoga, cycling; on top of my significant work travel schedule. I now live 100% pain free and without any impact to my busy lifestyle.

What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried Delos Therapy?

MF: Don’t wait for the right time to go and see what they can do for you. It wasn’t until my pain was gone and I resumed all my activities and regained my energy that I realized the full impact of compensating for the pain on my lifestyle. Going to Delos was like getting back something I didn’t realize I had lost. My only regret is that I didn’t find Delos sooner!

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