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Tag : fascia
Getting A Closer Look At Fascia: Fascia Dissection

Written by Kate Patterson & Marc Pytlewicz Participating in a cadaver dissection as a therapist is the ultimate learning experience. Last fall, a group of Delos Therapists took the opportunity to fly to Colorado to take part in a fascial dissection course put on by the world famous Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains. We were [โ€ฆ]

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Why Sudden Body Pain Might Not Be So Sudden

I canโ€™t tell you how often people come to our clinic because they โ€œthrew out their backโ€ and need help. At Delos Therapy, we see many different types of people for many different reasons, but one common thing we see among clients is the sudden onset of pain from a recent event in their lives. [โ€ฆ]

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Why Are My Muscles Stiff? The Common Causes of Tight, Sore Muscles

After an intense workout or laying in bed all day or sitting at your desk at work, you may have felt stiff and sore, but do you know why? The answer can be very complex, but I will try to keep it as simple as possible. There are many mechanisms behind the workings of muscles. [โ€ฆ]

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Anatomy Trains, Collagen and the Delos Perspective

The education provided by Tom Myersโ€™ Anatomy Trains is globally regarded as containing one of the most comprehensive and groundbreaking collections of data for understanding how muscles and fascia work together in the body. I recently had the privilege to attend a weekend seminar organized by Anatomy Trains where practitioners from around the world gathered [โ€ฆ]

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What is Fascia and How Does it Impact the Muscles?

What is fascia? There is really no separation at all between muscles and fascia. Fascia is the fibrous fabric that holds everything in our body together. Fascia and muscle fibers join together to form a composite or mixed structure that makes up the muscle system. Fascia weaves in amongst the muscle fibers holding them in [โ€ฆ]

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