CrossFit athletes push their bodies to the limit. Quick explosive movements inspired by Olympic lifting, power lifting and gymnastics are coached to blast calories through timed, high-intensity workouts aimed at maximizing cardiovascular conditioning and physical strength. Customized programming (WOD or Workout of the Day) is applied to magnify each individual’s confidence and performance in a […]
According to the National Institute of Health Statistics, severe headache or migraine pain was the second most common pain complaint among chronic pain patients.(1) Most experts believe that the majority of headaches are muscle tension-type headaches. According to Ryszard M. Pluta MD, PHD, “the cause for tension type headaches is still uncertain. These headaches […]
If you have ever used a foam roller or a “runner’s stick” to loosen up a tight, inflamed muscle before or after exercise, then you know the process is painful. Is the wincing we endure actually targeting the source of our pain or is it merely scratching the surface? Throughout my personal training career […]
Plantar fasciitis is pain and inflammation of the thick band of tissue called the plantar fascia that runs across the bottom of the foot. Severe tightness in the plantar fascia and surrounding muscles can also lead to heel and toe pain along with discomfort on the plantar surface of the foot. Approximately one in 10 […]
Autoimmune disorders are diseases in which inherent protection systems mount an attack against self-antigens. In a normally functioning immune system foreign invaders are attacked, destroyed, and eliminated. To do this, the immune system must recognize self from non-self and limit the response to foreign antigens. In diseases such as RA, the immune system fails to […]